Privacy & Cookies
* Welcome * About LETS * Privacy * Constitution * Agreement * Joining Form
We respect your privacy. No personal data from the general public is harvested on this website. There is no facility for signing up direct online. Logins on this website are restricted to registered members, group whose online or printed application forms have been accepted. These forms include a statement that the applicant agrees to the terms of our Members' Agreement, which includes sharing limited information with other members of the scheme.
We do not use any analytics software on this site. The only cookie we set is the Local Exchange software which is a session cookie set for the duration of your visit to this website. This should have no effect on your ability to view the website unless you are logged in as a member.
GDPR Regulations
These came into force from 25th May 2018. They affect all organisations which hold personal data of their members or any other person or organisation with which it does business. A statement must be produced on how the data is managed and used. This document shows the full details about personal data held by North Yorkshire LETS and how it is handled. If you have any queries, please get in touch.
What Personal Data is held by North Yorkshire LETS and how is it obtained?
One or more of the following which will have been freely supplied to North Yorkshire LETS via application forms, or by registering on the North Yorkshire LETS web site:
• Title • Initials • Forename(s) • Surname • Date (or just year) of Birth • How you were referred to North Yorkshire LETS • Account balance and transaction details
Who is responsible for managing personal data?
• Personal data is held under the custodianship of the North Yorkshire LETS, with the designated Committee Members being responsible for maintaining the sets of Data provided freely to them. All Committee Members that handle Personal Data are fully aware of the importance of security.
• Any interested party is able to request a sight of their personal data at any time. Reciprocally, the relevant North Yorkshire LETS appointee must be informed of any changes to personal data.
For what will the Personal Data be used, will it be shared and if so to whom?
• For the purpose for which it was supplied, that is for the running of North Yorkshire LETS.
• To send out to North Yorkshire LETS members, via email, or on paper, Offers and Wants, the Personal Data here will consist of individuals’ names and contact details, but not their address.
• To share relevant Personal Data to other Committee Members on a strictly “need to know†basis. This would include the North Yorkshire LETS website administrator. The privacy policy applying to the website can be viewed by clicking from the Welcome/Join Page.
• To send to members, via e-mail North Yorkshire LETS announcements, newsletters, Committee decisions and events.
• All North Yorkshire LETS officials that send out mass email communications have strict instructions to use the bcc (blind copy) facility, the use of which is one of the requirements set out in the GDPR guidelines.
• Personal Data will never be shared out / given / sold to any external parties. In the very unlikely occurrence of a security breach, all interested parties will be informed.
• Personal Data will never be used to distribute advertising or marketing material unless the Committee deems that it would be of considerable benefit to recipient(s).
• Personal data may be discussed in North Yorkshire LETS Committee meetings and written into minutes of meetings. This information may be circulated on paper and via e-mail, but only to Committee members.
• A directory of goods and services will be visible online - anonymously - to the general public for publicity purposes and to members with their contact details, and members will be able to update them online.
Deletion of Personal Data
• In the case of North Yorkshire LETS members, Personal Data will be deleted once Membership ceases or on request to the Membership Secretary.
• For businesses/contractors, Personal Data will be removed if it is unlikely that any further business will be conducted with North Yorkshire LETS.
• Welcome • About LETS • Privacy • Constitution • Agreement • Joining Form |