North Yorkshire LETS Application Form

Once you have explored our website and read our introductory pages
please complete the form in full: we will respond as soon as we can.

Full Name:
Street Address:
District: please select from list:


Primary phone: Secondary phone:

So that we are aware of the demographic of our members, please enter your
Date - or just year - of birth: (NB this data will not be displayed)
Gender: please select:

Organisation/ Centre/ Project (if any):
Website (if any):

I was referred to North Yorkshire LETS by:
and/or if you have already been a member of a LETS group in North Yorkshire or elsewhere, please give details, including your account number if relevant:

Please let us know about other local groups whose work you feel is compatible with ours and who we could benefit from connecting with, and if you are a member, eg The Commoners:

By submitting this form I am making a request to join North Yorkshire LETS as an individual or as a joint member with
- If separate mailings wanted please complete separate joining form.
I am willing to make a Joining Donation to help fund hosting fees (we suggest £1 to £10) in exchange for Roses.
I understand that an annual maintenance fee of 12 Roses may be deducted from my account. and understand that members may also be invited to make renewal donations in sterling to cover the expenses of running the scheme.
I agree to my trading account and contact details being held on the database, and I consent to these details (except for my street address) being made available online to other members. I understand that once I have access to my online account, I will be able to update my Profile, post my Offers and Wants and carry out Transactions via the web-based system.
I have read and accept the GDPR Statement, Constitution & Agreement - which are set out in the Welcome/Join pages.
I am willing to help with the running of the scheme by doing administrative work, supporting enrolment and/or management of accounts for members near me who are not online, and/or helping to organise local events.

Message: Please write in this box details of your own circumstances, information about your organisation, centre or project, whether you can give - or will need - help in accessing the internet, and any ideas of how you can help to run the LETS.

Offers and Wants: please write here what you can initially suggest for helping or requesting help from other members. Once you have logged in you will be able to create and edit these in the Listings Directory.

WelcomeAboutMorePrivacyConstitutionAgreementJoin here